Best YouTube newsletters to help grow your channel

Do you like newsletters?

Here is an overview of top YouTube newsletters that will help you to grow YouTube. Subscribe!

YouTube Official Blog

Subscribe to RSS feed is an official channel for all YouTube news, updates, product releases, creator & artist stories, culture & trends.

I couldn't find a newsletter link, but you can go old-school and subscribe to RSS feed. You can also follow them on Facebook, Instagram and well, YouTube.

YouTube Partner updates


If you are already in YPP, you should subscribe to YouTube Partner Email updates.

This newsletter includes all the latest news for YouTube partners.

To opt in:

  1. Sign in to YouTube.
  2. Go to Settings by clicking your profile icon on the top right.
  3. In the left menu, select Notifications.
  4. Scroll to the Email notifications section and turn on the switch next to General product updates.

YouTube Re:View


YouTube Re:View newsletter

Trends, Creators, Insights. Get the latest inspiration from YouTube sent to your inbox.

VidiQ blog


VidiQ is one of the top SEO extensions for YouTube.

Marina's Newsletter

Subscribe on Substack!

Marina Mogilko's YouTube newsletter

Marina Mogilko is a YouTube influencer with three popular YouTube channels.

In her newsletter she writes about starting on YouTube, building your community and making it an income stream.



Learn YouTube Tips and Tricks and how to boost YouTube SEO.

Online Hikes


Online Hikes YouTube newsletter

On my blog I share my experience with growing YouTube - sharing stats and tactics from my channel mrhackio, YouTube how-tos, YouTube SEO, marketing and promotions strategies.