Main Shopify SEO issues you should know about

Shopify becoming a key element of thousands of online businesses.

It is now a massive company with nearly 60B market cap. 😃

What about Shopify SEO? Is it easy to optimise your Shopify store for SEO?

Recently, I stumbled this thread in Twitter, where SEOs are discussing their frustration over Shopify SEO and lack of control over it.

SEOs also don’t like URLs structure and limited ability to edit them.

And here are some suggestions how to solve these issues:

Yeah, at least with Sitemaps issue, you can easily add external sitemaps to Search Console. There are plenty of free tools which will generate a free Sitemap. For example,, free for under 500 pages.

Another suggestion is to use Cloudflare.

This advice is part of “edge SEO” framework, first described by Dan Taylor. According to him, with service workers, you can modify the DOM response. “Google renders the changes within the HTML it sees.” Read more here.

In my opinion, edge SEO is the future of Technical SEO, which allows to “inject” SEO changes, which wouldn’t be possible otherwise on some platforms, e.g. Shopify.

Here is another suggestion:

Here is another research about SEO issues with Shopify webstores.

According to it:

  • 82% of the top Shopify sites had poor page speeds. The average Google Page Speed Insights score of the sites was just 31/100;
  • 87% of the Shopify stores lacked an effective internal linking structure;
  • 74% of the websites had poor or average meta titles.

So, the main issues with Shopify SEO are:

  • Can’t edit robots.txt (this file tells Google what to index or no index), which blocks important pages;
  • Limited control over faceted navigation;
  • No control over sitemaps (map of your website, which can be submitted to Webmaster tools either in Google or Bing);
  • Issues with tracking;
  • Poor page speed;
  • Limited control over URLs.

You can ask, what can be an alternative to Shopify, which has better SEO options? Probably, WooCommerce is the best alternative.