On-page SEO 101 guide

What is on-page SEO?

on page seo 101

Basically, this is how you organize content on a page.

See, when your blog/page starts to rank for certain phrase you can get even more traffic – if you make some SEO adjustments.

Basically, you help Google to understand what your content is about and what you are focusing on.

Let’s say, you wrote a travel blog about “Top things to do in London” and you start seeing a lot of people coming to your page by searching “things to do in London”. Well, you can rank even higher and get more traffic, if your on-page SEO is good.

That’s why, on-page SEO is really important.

On the other side, you SHOULD NEVER just overpopulate your blog with “things to do in London”.

Classic example of perfectly SEO optimized page is a classic chocolate-donut page.

on page SEO

Ultimate on-page SEO checklist. Let’s say your focus keyword is “things to do in London”.

1. Keyword in the url


Important to notice, that keyword should be in the first part of your url.

2. Title

Again, keyword should be in first part of your title or at least among 4 first words. Also, include some Call to action in your title: “Discover top things to do in London”.

3. Meta description

Include your focus keyword in Meta description: “Find best things to do in London on our site, check pricing, hours, free days or discounts. Enjoy with friends, family or alone”.

4. First paragraph

Your focus keyword should appear in a first paragraph of a copy. This way you can let Google and your readers know, what this article is gonna to be about.

5. Anchor text

Include links to this post from other posts on your blog.

Anchor text is very important.

So, if you link from other posts anchor should be “things to do in London”.

6. Outbound links

Also, link to other relevant articles from this article. And to external sites with high authority – in this case it can be Tripadvisor, Wikipedia, etc.

This way you will let Google know, that your article relates on good quality data.

7. Alt tags and titles (images)

Include focus keyword in alt tags and titles of your images, which appear in this blog.

8. Headers

Put your focus keyword in at least one H1 and H(2-3-4) header.

9. Bold text

Put some of your keywords as bold, i.e. between <strong></strong> tags.

10. Keyword density

Your focus keyword should appear at least 4-5 times in the blog.

11. Long content

According to many SEO studies, content with 2200-2300 words performs better in Google, than e.g. 300 words.

Just check Brian Dean’s blog – backlinko.com – he has only several dozens blogs, but far more than 100K organic traffic per month. Why? Because his articles are about 5000-8000 characters long.

And Google LOVES IT. ❤️
