IT jobs with highest salaries

Top IT Jobs with Highest Salaries
IT jobs are on high demand right now; this is no secret. Glassdoor released a recent survey which shows a list of the 25 highest paying jobs on America for 2018. 14 of the 25 highest jobs are in technology. Tech jobs are defined as those positions that require knowledge code, software or data.
Here are top paying IT jobs with the highest salaries.
1. QA Manager
QA actually stands for quality assurance. It involves the testing of a product before it is released into the market in order to ensure it performs as it is expected to. Plenty of companies in the development and maintenance process simply cannot release a product to the market before it is tested. Therefore, these companies have entire teams which are responsible for testing. The average base salary of a QA manager is about $101,330.
2. Software Architect
A software architect has the responsibility to make design choices and provide technical standards including coding, tools and platforms. They have to look at the customerÕs preferences or requirements and engage in hands-on work to create prototypes. They require various skills including, data modelling, good programming skills, strong analytical skills as well as a better understanding of software architecture.
3. Security engineer
Cybersecurity is an important aspect that every business is concerned about. Companies are always thinking of better ways to protect their software, systems and other important assets that are targeted by hackers. Security engineers are concerned with creating systems that are secure and build programs that can combat possible future disruptions. Generally, they have a responsibility to make the systems or software secure.
4. IT Manager
IT managers are concerned about a companyÕs overall technology infrastructure. They actually have a role to plan, coordinate and oversee the entire companyÕs technology infrastructure. IT managers can work in any field that really involves technology.
5. Data Analyst
Data analysts are concerned about translating data and numbers into understandable content. every company has its data which it relies on to evaluate its progress and make a well-informed decision. Data analysis is actually used by any type of a business. To become a data analyst, you will need at least a bachelorÕs degree.
6. Software development manager
Software development manager has a role to manage software developers and projects. To become a software development manager, you will need to gain experience in project management so that you can be equipped with the right planning skills, proper team staffing skills and better process control.
7. Solutions Architect
A solutions architect has a responsibility to decide which technologies should be used in a particular company. They usually work closely with other technical experts in order to ensure the solutions will be used as it should. They can also design and build complex software and systems.
8. Database developer
Every business needs to have a strong database which is used to store all the important data and information. Database developers are responsible for building databases which suit the companyÕs size and requirements. They also work on the maintenance of the database in order to ensure it is working optimally. To start this career would require a bachelorÕs degree in Computer Science or Information Technology or in Data Analysis.
Most of these listed IT jobs have varied functions which are always required by many businesses including large and mid-sized tech businesses and also other types of companies. The technology industry is really growing fast, thus people in these fields are assured to find high-paying jobs.