Hiring web developer - complete guide

How to hire a web Developer?

Why would you need a manual to recruit a web developer? Why should I first recruit a Web developer? While in the past, if you wanted a website, you had to be a web developer or hire a web developer, now that is no longer the case.

Xploid media carries many tips and tricks regarding website design. If you would like to learn more about website design then look here.


Hiring a web programmer still has two really good reasons:

  1. It would save money.
  2. Some of the more technical parts can require help.

In both cases, to keep your project running smoothly, it is important to understand how to find, employ and work with a Web programmer. For this purpose, our guide on how to properly use a web programmer will cover all of the necessary steps to do so.


Web developer recruiting guide: describing your project

In order to hire a web developer, you must first explicitly explain what exactly you are trying to do. You won’t know who to look for and what to do if you don’t understand that. Most of the time, the work comes from two different areas for site modifications:

Design: This stems from the redesign of your logo or image. Header for redesigning the whole page layout or incorporating design effects

Functionality / coding: For example, add a basketball, a custom picture slider or make changes to your own site’s administration panel

Depending on the region in which you are Center of your project, you want to employ multiple people (more on this). When you intend on building a full site, you may need people for both.


This is the most important part:

You should be perfectly clear and write it down in detail about what you need. This will allow you to:

Remove the wrong candidates: if the job description is straightforward, you will be able to eliminate the unskilled. When you stay vague and broad, there will be a lot more applicants applying for your publication instead of giving details.

Save time from the start: If you have clear expectations, your web developer can spend less time in the process of discovery. Alternatively, they can jump directly to the way their idea is implemented.

Receive higher budgets: understanding the nature of the job would allow candidates to better estimate in advance time and costs. It will also make expensive upgrades less onerous.

Get some clarification about your own writing. Things are a wonderful activity to you, too. This helps you to think about what you are trying to achieve and less complicate your feelings. It is a significant step towards its fulfillment.


Which sort of developer do I want to be?

Now that you’re clear about the kind of website you need or the improvements you’ll need on your existing website design, it’s time to think about what kind of web developer you should hire. Indeed the word “web developer” encompasses various skills and job descriptions.


Developer Vs Website Design

A designer is a person who designs a website’s appearance and produces assets like icons, photos etc. His expertise is Photoshop, and other tools for graphic design. The Website is not actually implemented by a mere graphic designer. Alternatively, they are planning a picture of how it looks towards the end. Somebody else will turn it into the real website. A growing number of designers are being introduced today, too. We are generally referred to as web designers and their expertise includes markup languages such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript increasingly.

This means: Someone who writes code is a developer. Which means they can access the website and edit documents from scratch to make changes or create a new website design. We also work with the code editors and other resources related to creation.


Front-end vs Back-end Developers

Front-end developers and main developers also have subgroups. Improving the front-end and the back-end are the most significant. If you don’t get it: the front end is the part of the web users see in their browser. Behind that is the backend. It’s where you handle the account, and how it interacts with your database or server on the website design. Often the programmers and web designers are similar. They use the same languages, and take care of their website design and usability.

Front-end developers can also refer to the person who introduces the website design in the first place but does not sell it. Such areas are experiencing a lot of convergence.

Back-end programmers concentrate on the way their website runs. They manage the service, as well as being concerned about the site pace and other technical difficulties. PHP (especially when working with WordPress), Java, Ruby on Rails, Python and other programming languages are part of its stack capabilities.


Full-stack website design developers

Experts are front-end developers and backend developers. It means that they are generally quite good in their own area, but they do not know another person’s expertise, in other words: depending on their needs, other people (graphic designer, key programmer) may need to be hired to execute your site or the improvements you need.

This naturally translates into more hours of work and higher prices. All operations capable of creating full website design from scratch, including architecture, execution and coding. Although in all aspects your expertise isn’t always as comprehensive as that of experts, you can still produce the results you want. Although full-stack programmers may be costlier, less teamwork is needed. So it can accelerate the process and help you save money.


Publishing The Project

Now is the time to make the real job bid. You want to be specific about what you want, as already mentioned. Only then can you effectively communicate that to someone else.

This is what you should include in your job offer absolutely:


General information: 

Introduce yourself, present your business and your name. In addition to the target group you are referring to, show your business goals. This will give web developers an understanding of business domain.


Project Summary: 

What is the Job Summary? Full website design, website installation, modifications. Be true.



What want to end? A File for Photoshop? A theme under Word Press? A robust Website? Ask self-employed staff what they are expected to deliver in the end and in what manner.

Existing assets:

Show everything on your part you’ll have. These may be instructions on architecture, existing assets, color schemes, website copies, logos, structures or anything in stock.


The perfect candidate: 

Show the level of experience you are looking for, as well as other important features for you


Time frame: 

When do you want to plan for your work? Keep in mind that delays can occur most of the time so it’s a good idea to post a more strict word than you currently have. This way, if there is a problem it has a buffer.


Bonus points

In addition to the above, here’s additional information to make your job offer more successful: Mockups: Create photos to demonstrate how you can visualize your site or the new feature. A paper sketch may be enough but software such as Balsamiq or image editors such as Photoshop are also available.


How to determine a Web developer’s efficiency

Once your work is online, hopefully you’ll find the applications running.  Now the big question: How to figure out with whom to work? Below are some tips to improve your chances of finding the perfect candidate.


Technical requirements: 

We speak later on about the specifications required by various developer groups. The first thing you should do is ensure that those tables are reviewed by your candidates.

Time to respond:

It is important to be able to communicate with your freelancer. You don’t have to wait a couple of days to hear it if you need to change something about the job.Write down several times and see how long it takes before you employ a web programmer to respond.


Communication skills: 

Check the contact in general at the same time. Of course they’re talking? Answer all your enquiries? Do the people you want to work with look like they? You’re going to talk a lot with them so make sure the experience is enjoyable and successful.


Past projects: 

Request and review the Internet developers ‘ previous work. In this way you can understand your knowledge, strengths and weaknesses better. Alternatively, this may be in the form of screenshots or even code snippets on your own blog.


Customer Rating: 

Many of the above listed job platforms provide customer feedback. Not only do you test the overall rating, but also read past customer reviews before hiring a web developer. It’s a great way to learn more about the work ethics, response time and other abilities of a person.



Experienced programmers make fewer mistakes, they have response times. Shorter but more costly. Beginners cost less but they can take longer and create more problems. Choosing what suits you best is up to you, and is often dictated by the timeline of the project.


Paid tests: 

It’s a brilliant idea to ask them to complete a paid exam when you’ve narrowed the list to a few applicants. Give them some homework to do, and see how it’s going. Take care of both the job and contact. It is a wonderful predictor of future behaviour.

Taking your project from start to finish As soon as you find yourself in a web developer with whom you would like to work, it’s time to get to work. These are the steps you will follow from start to finish: arrange a meeting: speak to the candidate, ideally by video conferencing. Review the job from beginning to end, answer any questions or possible problems, seek advice.


Creating milestones: 

It is a fantastic idea to create smaller milestones especially for large projects. In this way, instead of seeing the finished product (and possible problems) at the end of the timeline, you will analyze what happens while it is happening.


Accept a payment schedule:

Build a schedule of payments that works for you both. You are paying the deposit: this is a confirmation that both parties are involved in the job. At this point the web developer will start work.


Follow the benchmarks: 

Reconsider any move decided upon. Free payments if you are happy with what you see, not before. Make a final inspection: conduct a final audit once you have finished the job. If you are happy pay the remaining fees. Furthermore, deciding on a warranty period during which the programmer can continue to fix things you have missed makes sense.


Your guide to recruiting web developers in summary

Although these days anyone can build a website, there are still many good reasons to employ a web programmer. A specialist can do things you can’t do and get the job done faster than you do. Outsourcing this job to another person often gives you a chance to concentrate on more important things.

You also found advice on the best way to define every step of the process in our Hiring Web developers guide. At first it can be frustrating but with the practice it will be easier.

Often, you can often continue to work together once you have a working relationship with the excellent candidates. You don’t have to take all the steps every time that way.